Thitikan Law Firm

Legal Counsel & Services in the Best Interest of Our Clients


We Provide Innovative High-End Digital Solutions for Clients Worldwide

Providing legal services covering all types of cases related to life in Thailand including general criminal offenses, drug offenses, etc,; Civil violence against, women and children; Business law, breach of contracts, debt collection, detention, enforcement of special laws such as tax and bankruptcy cases, debtor rehabilitation, labor cases, intellectual property cases, money laundering offenses, administrative cases including various legal services such as the establishment of a juristic person, patent certification and signature of mediation debt inquiries.

Our Services

Thitikan Law Firm has the expertise and experience to provide solutions to your legal requirements within the Kingdom of Thailand. Our legal services help navigate the often complex and complicated laws of the country. So if you have a legal issue, case or problem that needs resolution, please contact us through the following channels.